Development Monitoring & Evaluation

Development Monitoring & Evaluation

We brief here our experience in carrying out surveys to collect data on socio-economic parameters which also include household level surveys. Our Socio-economic research conducts evaluation and monitoring of projects under five year Plans and suggests measures to improve and incorporate the same in future plans.

The clients and ministries are Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE), National Schedule Castes Finance and Development Corporation, New Delhi, Department of Women& Child Development Ministry of Government of India, New Delhi, A.P Scheduled Tribes Co-operative Finance Corporation, Hyderabad. Women Development Finance Corporation, Govt of A.P, Hyderabad. Coir Board, District Rural Development Agency, AP Diary Development Corporation, National SC Financial & Development Corporation, Ministry of Food Processing Industry .

Typical projects are Survey of Un-electrified villages, Incentives for renewable energy projects, Evaluation of NSFDC Schemes in West Bengal and AP, Strategic Evaluation of STEP Programmes, Evaluation of Schemes implemented by TRICOR, Concurrent Evaluation on NORAD Assisted Training in Kerala, Evaluation on impact of UNDP assisted coir projects, Evaluation of SGSRY units, Evaluation study of STEP diary project implementation, Evaluation study & impact of SGSY assisted units, Evaluation of Projects Assisted by Ministry of Food Processing Industry during 9th /10th Plan Period in North East Zone and South Zone, Evaluation of the National Biogas and Manure Management Programme (NBMMP) implemented during the 10th and 11th plan.

APITCO is since inception working in Development Management. The organization has successfully evaluated Government programmes and devised CFAs well acknowledged by the Ministries. APITCO is working with Government Ministries and Multilateral Development Institutions at Policy, Plans, Programme, and Project level. The various services that the organization provides include:

APITCO conducts Socio-Economic Baseline Surveys to provide a comprehensive understanding of the socio-economic conditions of specific communities or regions. These surveys gather information on living conditions, employment, education, health, and income levels in alongside demographics. APITCO conducts research utilising a mix of qualitative and quantitative techniques, such as key informant interviews, focus groups, and household surveys. To determine socioeconomic trends, gaps, and development needs, the information acquired is analysed. The comprehensive studies from APITCO provide valuable data for impact evaluations, project planning, and policy-making. These surveys assist stakeholders in developing focused interventions, allocating resources wisely, and tracking advancement over time. APITCO enhances the efficacy of community and regional development programmes and promotes sustainable development initiatives by offering a distinct socio-economic baseline.

APITCO conducts MSME Census Surveys to gather comprehensive data on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The objective of these surveys is to gather vital data regarding the quantity, distribution, and attributes of MSMEs, such as employment, size, sector, financial stability, and operational difficulties. For accurate and trustworthy data collecting, APITCO employs robust techniques, such as field trips and standardised surveys. By identifying trends, growth patterns, and MSMEs' requirements, the survey insights aid in the development of focused support and policy initiatives. The comprehensive studies provided by APITCO help stakeholders comprehend the MSME environment, promote economic planning, and improve the sustainability and competitiveness of MSMEs. Through the provision of a comprehensive overview of the MSME sector, APITCO facilitates the allocation of resources and informed decision-making.

APITCO provides Third Party Verification services for Development Monitoring and Evaluation, ensuring transparency, accuracy, and accountability in project implementation. They provide objective assessments of the progress of projects, conformity to guidelines, and accomplishment of objectives. To verify project operations and results, APITCO performs exhaustive field inspections, data validation, and stakeholder consultations. They analyse the impact, efficiency, and efficacy of development programmes, providing objective analysis and suggestions for enhancement. The comprehensive verification reports provided by APITCO assist clients make prudent choices by ensuring that projects satisfy quality requirements and produce the desired results. APITCO's provision of stringent third-party verification serves to bolster the legitimacy of development endeavours, encourage optimal methodologies, and facilitate the attainment of development objectives.

APITCO offers specialized services in Programme Monitoring, Evaluation, and Policy Studies for Development Monitoring & Evaluation. Their methodology includes creating robust monitoring frameworks, creating key performance indicators, and carrying out methodical assessments to gauge the influence, efficacy, and efficiency of development initiatives. To provide comprehensive and precise evaluations, APITCO collects and analyses data using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Their policy studies provide stakeholders information on programme results and point out opportunities for development, enabling them to make well-informed decisions. For enhanced development outcomes, APITCO offers comprehensive reports and recommendations that assist with resource allocation, programme modifications, and strategic planning. By utilising their experience, APITCO ensures that development programmes are successfully tracked, assessed, and matched with more general policy objectives, thereby fostering development that is both significant and sustainable.

APITCO conducts Social Sector Impact Assessment Studies to evaluate the effects of policies, programs, and projects on communities and societal well-being. An array of social sectors is covered by these evaluations, such as housing, healthcare, education, and livelihoods. To collect extensive data, APITCO employs an assortment of qualitative and quantitative research techniques, including questionnaires, interviews, and focus groups. They evaluate the social, economic, and environmental implications by analysing this data, finding both favourable results and possible drawbacks. Effective suggestions are offered by APITCO to mitigate adverse effects and enhance beneficial contributions. Their comprehensive evaluations help organisations, stakeholders, and lawmakers comprehend the manner in which their activities truly affect the community, ensuring that social sector initiatives advance equitable, inclusive, and sustainable development.

Key Projects

  • APTDC short for Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation

  • APTDC short for Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation

  • APTDC short for Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation